
Caveman to Social Media Guru – Social Media

We are all familiar with social media. Sometimes I feel like my entire life revolves around some sort of social media.

You Haven’t Heard of Facebook, Are You A Caveman?

So, what is it? Social media is an online platform that allows its users an easy way to communicate and share things online. You don’t need any sort of special training and as long as you can somewhat navigate your way around the web, you are probably involved in some sort of social media. Social media has made content sharing so easy, most people don’t even realize that they are doing it! People who are sharing your content are now your advocates.

Social media can create success in other areas also. Why is this? Well for one it builds relationships. Also these relationships are often built because of great contents instead of direct and annoying advertising. Feedback is also very important. Social media allows for invaluable source into insights and feedback. Finally, integration because social media isn’t something you just add, it has to be throughout all of your other marketing also.

Is social media going to stick around for a while? Look at the boom of all sorts of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube),  it is just getting started. So, yes, your brand does need it. Social media allows you to add tons of value to your brand. “Because so much of the customer experience now lives on the web, social media enables brands to take part in a customer’s online experience outside of the typical channels. (MOZ)” Before we get too far into social media, watch this video, because it will really open your eyes about how BIG social media actually is. 

 Where is the Value?

Well, for one it is about engaging and building a community of people. Since relationships typically lead to customer retention, loyalty, and increased word of mouth.

Creating value can be done is several different ways:

  • Content Creation – Social media allows you to see what your customers are directly interested in, but you can use customer generated content also.
  • Customer Service – Easy and direct way to talk to and address issues.
  • Product Development – Since there has never been better access to customers the benefits are limitless.
  • Human Resources – Social media can do anything from recruiting to career advancement.

So Ya… It Is Valuable, But This Whole Posting Thing Is Out Of My Comfort Zone?

Here are a few quick tips to posting:

Adjacent Content: They are already following you so they must be interested in what you offer!

Tips and Tricks: These add value beyond what you are selling.

Responses: Social media is built on conversation so why not have a conversation about your brand.

Non-Promotional Company Information: Sharing things that set your company apart from others.

Job Openings: Heck, the only way to find job opportunities now a days is online. Why not share this opportunities online? It will definitely help your following on social media.

Jokes: Don’t do this if your brand doesn’t fit with humor, however this can leave a good impression on your audience.

Quick Tips to Creating Engagement

Ask for Help: Need help with something? Well, you have already built up a community that trusts you. Just ask them.

Monitor & Listen: Don’t let things get by you. Use the countless number of tools available online for monitoring your social outlets.

Keep it Simple: Don’t get stuck between too much and not enough

Gamify: How can you reward your following? Well, since we are a gaming generation, start there.

Cross-Promote for Discoverability: Don’t just pick one and stick to it. You will have different audiences in each platform.

Keep Your Self Consistent

Although you can reach different people on different platforms, that doesn’t mean you give different messages in those different places. You are going to have a large group who are across all platforms and you really don’t want to confuse them. Here are a few quick tips:

If you do not already have brand guidelines developed, you’ll want to start there with your marketing team.

Know your audience, but also be relevant to the environment in which you are working.

Be human. People are looking for human “contact.” Act like one.

Use all of your platforms to integrate your campaigns.

You’ve made a mistake. Well, the good things is you may be able to recover from it! Yes, some brands have made such large mistakes it has hurt their reputation, but it isn’t always detrimental.

Steps to recovery according to MOZ

  1. Preparation – Understand risks, building out escalation processes, draft responses, roles and responsibilities, training
  2. Response & Measurements – Responding if necessary, following up, measuring, and monitoring reach, volume, etc.
  3. Recovery – Typically consists of more measurement, follow up, case-studies, and knowledge sharing throughout the organization.
  4. Prevention – Analysis of crisis and existing procedures, identification of opportunities for improvement, and acknowledgement of what worked well.

Data Tells the Truth

There are two different types of data you can look at when analyzing how effective your social media is: Quantitative & Qualitative

Quantitative: numeric and can be used in scientific analysis

  • Followers
  • Engagement
  • Timing
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate)

Qualitative: based on observation

  • Influence
  • Sentiment
  • Conversation Drivers



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